Friday, June 27, 2008

The Story of Praden-hesi

Praden-heshi, the Original Planet set in another universe, is a fantasy world. Ruled by a pair of Couples who exemplify love and character who are chosen by the Xy. The Xy is a sorcerer-prophet who knows and understands the power of the universe and has learned to use it. The Capital is in 3aldor, the city state. Also ruling is the Court of the Patriarchs and the Hall of Youth, with equal representation from each of the states.

The states used to be nations on a single continent which warred constantly among themselves and internally with their multiple ethnic groups. Finally humanity became fed up with the constant hatred and warring and combined together in a pact that has stood now for millenia.

The states include Tardor, Haldor, 3aldor, Ayildor, Titalamun, Karndor and the Vinyards. Tardor, the northland, is dominated by castles and nomads and exports the majority of the nations grain needs and foundation stone. Haldor, the forestland, produces the majority of the building wood and wood crafts as well as the majority of the worlds precious stones. Shaldor, the cityland, is the melting pot of all the different societies and cultures as well as the ruling bodies. Ayildor, the sandland, produces the worlds fuel. Titalamun, the Gold Cost, is a dense jungle plus includes the islands and exports precious metals and tropical fruits. Karndor, the redlands, is a desert and canyon lands. The Vineyards is a lush green land and produces the world's fruits, art, and ornamental stone.

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